Building the economies of the future: The power of investing in NDCs and LTS


New York City, NY

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Credit: UNDP Bhutan/Dechen Wangmo
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Event invite

This high-level panel will discuss and demonstrate the opportunities offered by key instruments of the Paris Agreement – namely the NDCs and LTS – to drive sustainable development outcomes and achievement of the Paris Agreement goals.

Speakers will showcase successes, challenges and real-world experiences of making bold choices for financing climate action.

A strong focus will be on leveraging NDCs and LTS to drive a rapid alignment and scaling up of finance in key drivers of development – from clean energy to resilient agriculture to nature-based-solutions.

The event will be co-hosted by the Government of Germany (BMZ) and UNDP, with speakers from frontrunner countries and donors who are showing the potential of investment in NDC processes. Frontrunner countries will highlight how they are advancing their NDCs/LTS processes that also help achieve sustainable development priorities in their countries. A forward-looking focus will also highlight what is further needed to successfully implement these NDCs/LTS and how this can be further supported.

Germany, alongside other donors, will present their support to the NDC/LTS processes, and UNDP’s Climate Promise and potentially pledge further funding to this future work also as an important contribution to the NDC Partnership. UNDP’s Administrator will present the way forward on climate at UNDP and speak to its flagship initiative the Climate Promise and how the newly established UNDP Climate will further propel UNDP in bringing the entire weight of the development organization to bear in achieving this bold aim.

The event is intended to showcase that there is momentum and could thus set the stage to ramp up support in the months leading to COP28.