Kenya Gender Analysis

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Kenya Gender Analysis

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Kenya Gender Analysis
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Climate change presents a major threat to Kenya’s sustainable development and the realization of the nation’s Vision 2030 that seeks to create a competitive and prosperous nation with a high quality of life. Kenya, like its neighboring countries in East Africa, has felt the impacts of climate change as weather patterns become increasingly unpredictable and climate-related disasters increase in frequency and magnitude. As a country whose economy is dependent on climate-sensitive natural resources, challenges from an unpredictable climate can increase vulnerability and have the potential to reverse development gains and further intrench inequalities.

Kenya's Gender Analysis aims to ensure that gender responsive actions are identified, planned, budgeted for and implemented as part of mainstreaming gender into Kenya’s NDC. The analysis explored the gender differentiated impacts of climate change by looking at existing gender inequalities in access to and use of resources, participation, and benefits between various gender groups. It analyzed the extent to which gender issues have been considered within Kenya’s policy, legal, and institutional frameworks and their suitability for supporting gender-responsive climate change actions. It focused on the key NDC sectors of Agriculture, Energy and Water, the role of gender within these sectors, challenges to women’s participation and empowerment, and sectoral opportunities for supporting gender responsive measures. The gender analysis provides strategic recommendations on governance, planning, and policy that will strengthen the integration of gender equality into NDC planning and implementation processes.