INDC Project Actions and Impacts: Barbados

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INDC Project Actions and Impacts: Barbados

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INDC Project Actions and Impacts: Barbados
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As a small island developing state (SIDS), Barbados is extremely vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change such as extreme weather events, as well as subtle changes to temperature and precipitation patterns.

Even though Barbados has a small population, limited land and natural resource base, and a small open economy, the impacts of climate change will likely undermine the hard-won sustainable development gains that have been achieved.

Regardless of its limited financial resources and negligible contribution to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Barbados is taking a proactive and ambitious approach to reducing its own emissions by introducing concrete mitigation actions that will see the decarbonisation of its electricity grid, initiatives to improve energy efficiency, and reduced emissions from its other sectors.

The country’s Green Economy Scoping Study, National Sustainable Energy Framework (SEF) and Energy Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA), form the backbone of Barbados’ INDC.