Flex-Grid Installations in Kobong and Thapaiban, Lao PDR

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Flex-Grid Installations in Kobong and Thapaiban, Lao PDR

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Flex-Grid Installations in Kobong and Thapaiban, Lao PDR
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The NDC Support Programme provides technical support for countries to pursue a “whole-of-society”, integrated approach that strengthens national systems, facilitates climate action and increases access to finance for transformative sustainable development.

In Lao PDR, the remote villages of Kobong and Thapaiban face difficult circumstances. They are far from any national electricity supply and, thus, live mostly in the dark. In addition, they are remote and lack access to a regional market. As a result, they have little potential for economic growth.

However, given this challenging starting point, the two villages are ideal candidates for a new approach to electrification - the flex-grid. Unlike the traditional mini-grid approach, which is tailored to a defined initial situation (or village), the flex-grid approach is based on the notion of electricity grids that grow organically. Thanks to modular and easily expandable generation and storage technology, the rate of growth can adapt to a local community’s socio-economic development.

Read our report to find out more. You can also see how the flexi-grids have changed this community's life in our photo story.