The approval of SOFF investment will help to close critical gaps in weather observation and forecasting capabilities for the three countries.
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This innovative partnership underscores a shared commitment to supporting countries in meeting the ambitious objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Climate Action Explained takes viewers on a world tour that proves meaningful climate action is possible.
The coffee harvest marks Costa Rica's proactive stance in promoting sustainable coffee production, aligning with global environmental goals.
Strengthened collaboration will facilitate and support the credible, high-integrity supply and use of carbon credits.
A new online course aims to raise awareness about the use of innovative financing mechanisms to meet development and climate goals.
The course will help government officials, decision makers and technicians prepare for implementing a voluntary carbon footprint measurement schemes.
Chad is one of the countries where action on adaptation easily turns into development gains and long-term positive outcomes.
Systematic Observations Financing Facility approves $3.1 million for a UNDP-supported project on climate data.
The award recognized Bangladesh's achievements in local adaptation and resilience building through innovation in climate finance.
'High Integrity' initiative tackles crucial carbon market issues, focusing on precise emissions accounting and addressing environmental risks.
In a historic move, sahelian countries have adopted a landmark declaration, committing to bolstering climate security.
Youth4Climate event hosted by UNDP Rome Centre served as platform to fund youth-led climate solutions.
Germany pledges additional 7 million Euro to help countries achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement
The funding will be used to support developing countries in defining credible long-term pathways for achieving Paris Agreement goals.