
Latin America & the Caribbean
Share of global GHG emissions
Extracted from the CAIT Climate Data Explorer (2020), developed and maintained by the World Resources Institute.
Climate Vulnerability Index ranking
A higher number means a higher vulnerability to climate change. Based on the ND-GAIN Index (2021), developed by the University of Notre Dame.
Human Development Index ranking
A lower number means a better human development score. Based on the Human Development Index (2021), developed by UNDP.
9.267 Gg
CO2 emissions limit target by 2030
The highest emissions reduction target, conditional or unconditional, included in the country’s latest NDC.
NDC Status

Uruguay submitted its second NDC in December 2022.

Key highlights from the NDC
  • Uruguay’s second NDC represents a significant increase in ambition compared to the first NDC, confirming the path towards emission stability and carbon neutrality that the country has set out in its long-term climate strategy.
  • It introduced, for the first time, absolute unconditional mitigation targets for three main greenhouse gases (GHG), establishing not to exceed 9.267 GgCO2, 818 GgCH4 and 32 GgN2O emissions by the year 2030.
  • The country’s new commitments on reductions of GHG emissions intensity from beef production represented an increase from the previous NDC, and it maintained the commitment to preserve 100% of the native forest and increase carbon stocks through forest management.
  • Uruguay has included a new greenhouse gas, HFC, in the mitigation targets. It has set the goal of 10% HFC emissions reduction by 2030, demonstrating the country's commitment to comply with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.
  • The second NDC deepens measures in its main adaptation areas and adds transversal measures, such as strengthening systems of climate risk information, risk management, estimation of losses and damages, and analysis of the impacts of climate change on migration and displacement.
  • Uruguay developed its second NDC within the framework of the National Climate Change Response System, working across different thematic groups such as gender, education, communication and awareness, and Monitoring, Reporting and Verification, to achieve an integrated document. 
  • A participatory process for the development of this NDC included an open digital platform where contributions and comments could be sent, and technical aspects and progress of the document were reported.
Adaptation and resilience areas in the NDC
  • Agriculture
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem
  • Cities, infrastructure and land-use planning
  • Climate services
  • Coastal zone
  • Disaster risk management
  • Energy
  • Health
  • Settlement
  • Social policies
  • Tourism 
  • Water
The Climate Promise is being delivered in collaboration with key partners. Thanks to our partners in Uruguay:

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Climate Action Explained takes viewers on a world tour that proves meaningful climate action is possible.
Through the power of music, young people in Uruguay are raising their voices to accelerate climate action.
The region is trying to secure the climate finance they will need in the coming decades through a mix of instruments and approaches.

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February's issue focuses on the critical nexus between climate and nature, featuring spotlights on new NDCs from Ecuador and Uruguay.