
Previous Ghana
Share of global GHG emissions
Based on data from Climate Watch (CAIT 2020), developed and maintained by the World Resources Institute.
Climate Vulnerability Index ranking
A higher number means a higher vulnerability to climate change. Based on the ND-GAIN Index (2021), developed by the University of Notre Dame.
Human Development Index ranking
A lower number means a better human development score. Based on the Human Development Index (2021), developed by UNDP.
Conditional emissions reduction target by 2030
(compared to business as usual)
The highest emissions reduction target, conditional or unconditional, included in the country’s latest NDC.
NDC Status 

Guinea submitted its updated NDC in July 2021. 

Key highlights from the NDC 
  • From its initial NDC’s conditional target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 13%, Guinea moved to a 17% reduction target with unconditional contributions across sectors, potentially reaching 49% by 2030 by including land-use and forestry. 
  • Alongside their mitigation efforts, Guinea outlined enhanced adaptation goals, articulated clearer links with other national strategies and policies, and examined gender and youth inclusion along with the Sustainable Development Goals. 
Adaptation and resilience areas in the NDC 
  • Water 
  • Ecosystems 
  • Coastal zones
The Climate Promise is being delivered in collaboration with key partners. Thanks to our partners in Guinea:

Last Updated

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