Our Team

Our team comprises of a network of global experts, regional coordinators and national project teams, with strong leadership from UNDP’s country offices who work directly with Government focal points in each of our programme countries. Building on UNDP’s country knowledge and expertise, we provide services that are tailored to local needs and growth targets.

In addition, UNDP’s Climate Promise draws on a diverse group of specialists from across the organization to provide cross-cutting support on climate change – from finance, gender and governance, to SDGs, youth and health, to energy, adaptation, forests and nature. Together, we work with countries on strengthening local capacities to define and achieve the national climate and development targets outlined in the NDCs.


Cassie Flynn
Global Director of Climate Change
Jennifer Baumwoll
Climate Promise Global Coordinator
Allison Towle
Programme Analyst
Catherine Diam-Valla
Climate Change Technical Specialist
Claudia Ortiz
Climate Change Strategies Specialist
Josep Gari
Senior Policy Advisor
Kimberly Todd
Forests Focal Point
Leticia Guimarães
Global Lead, Carbon Markets
Mateo Salomon
Principal Technical Advisor, Climate Change Mitigation
Mehmet Erdogan
Communications specialist - Team lead
Rebecca Carman
Climate Change Technical Specialist
Rohini Kohli
Senior Technical Advisor on Climate Change Adaptation Policy and Planning
Srilata Kammila
Head of Climate Change Adaptation, UNDP