Research and Reports

This publication offers practical and step-by-step guidance on designing LT-LEDS.
This policy brief captures effective and innovative policies that can be used to accelerate the low-carbon energy transition in the Arab States.
The guidance note aims to support policymakers in accelerating short-term climate actions in the land sector.
A progress report on the Japan-funded project being implemented in 23 countries and territories under the Climate Promise initiative.
What is Climate Promise? This two-page explainer provides an overview of our role, how we support countries, and our progress to date.
The Asia-Pacific region covers a wide geographical area, with diverse landscapes, societies, cultures, religions and economies. Of the 41 countries…
The Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region is considered a “biodiversity superpower,” with one of the greatest endowments of natural capital in…
The Regional Snapshots provide analysis of Climate Promise supported countries NDC status and implementation readiness.
This document presents for the first time an analysis of how National Voluntary Carbon Footprint Programmes (NVCFPs) should be implemented.

UNDP’s Climate Promise remains the largest global offer of NDC support, covering over 120 countries and territories.

This quality assurance checklist aims to support governments, civil society and other stakeholders during the design, review and revision of Long-…

As of 31 July 2021, 113 countries representing 53.7% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have submitted new or updated NDCs.