Research and Reports

The Regional Snapshots provide analysis of Climate Promise supported countries NDC status and implementation readiness.
This document presents for the first time an analysis of how National Voluntary Carbon Footprint Programmes (NVCFPs) should be implemented.

The COVID-19 pandemic requires all levels of government to act under great uncertainty and significant economic, fiscal and social pressure.

The framework responds to a central topic for the green economic recovery agenda regarding the mobilization of resources, creating fiscal and…

The strategy intends to provide direction to help mobilize resources for the implementation of the NDC.
This study focuses on trends in access to climate finance in conflict-affected and fragile contexts.
Climate ambition is nuanced and context specific. This new United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report explores how the world is progressing…
South Sudan, through this second NDC, reiterates its commitment to the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global temperature rise to well below 2…

As of 31 July 2021, 113 countries representing 53.7% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have submitted new or updated NDCs.

As of April 2021, UNDP is now supporting 118 countries on NDC enhancement under the Climate Promise, including 38 LDCs, 28 SIDS, 14 higher-…

This analysis of circular economy opportunities for Vanuatu seeks to help reduce the waste flow of imported materials, while also examining how to…

Transforming Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into tangible actions that lead to long-term zero-carbon and climate-resilient development…