Research and Reports

A toolkit on gender mainstreaming in priority sectors of Ghana’s NDC.
Synthesis report of the Gender analysis of Ghana’s NDC sectors
Ghana’s NDC in Water, Waste, Health, Transport, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Service sectors: Gender analysis
Climate ambition is nuanced and context specific. This new United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report explores how the world is progressing…

One of the main questions in climate policymaking is to understand the economic and social costs and benefits.

UNDP is fostering the engagement of representatives from tropical forest countries to promote the high integrity of VCM through a series of dialogues.

As of April 2021, UNDP is now supporting 118 countries on NDC enhancement under the Climate Promise, including 38 LDCs, 28 SIDS, 14 higher-…

This report is the result of a comprehensive analysis of resource flows and their impact on the quality of natural assets in The Gambia.

Transforming Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into tangible actions that lead to long-term zero-carbon and climate-resilient development…

The document outlines the design and development of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting System (MER) for Marine-Coastal Zones for the Climate…

Transforming Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into tangible actions that lead to long-term zero-carbon and climate-resilient development…

Five years ago in Paris, 197 countries came together to agree on a common set of goals and principles to curb global greenhouse gas emissions and…