ECOSOC Chamber
UN Headquarters
New York, NY
United States

The event, "Below 1.5 by 2025: The Plan" aims to inspire and mobilize collective action, focus on new ways of approaching the climate crisis, doubling down on solutions that work, and sharing lessons from the front lines. It will be hosted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with many partners from across the UN system, Governments, Indigenous and Local Communities, Private Sector, and Youth.
The stakes could not be higher – 2023 was the hottest year on record with several climate-related disasters devastating life, health, economy, and development. The next two years are among the best chance we have to safeguard sustainable development and keep global warming below 1.5° C. The pledges under the Paris Agreement – Nationally Determined Contributions – are more important than ever.
Let us break the norm and go beyond business as usual to inspire and mobilize collective action, while focusing on new ways of approaching the climate crisis, doubling down on solutions that work, and sharing lessons from the frontlines of UNDP's portfolio in nearly 150 countries.
Watch the event recording.