Nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is experiencing a protracted and divergent recovery. Urgent action is thus required to accelerate the recovery process, while using the opportunity to accelerate the transition to green and resilient economies. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and related climate change plans (e.g., National Adaptation Plans and Long-Term Low GHG Emission Development Strategies) can guide countries’ recovery efforts by helping to green these economic stimulus plans. As countries work to transform national climate pledges through the NDCs into concrete and ambitious actions in the context of COVID-19, they need targeted knowledge, capacity and resources to better align recovery efforts with strategic climate action.
The objective of the webinar is to provide UNDP Country Offices and government counterparts to
- (i) understand key concepts of green recovery;
- (ii) present frameworks and tools that can help countries to design green recovery; and
- (iii) assess COVID-19 green recovery and green economy options that build on NDC processes and incorporate climate action. This webinar series will also provide an opportunity to receive feedback on the guidance notes and discuss next steps for operationalization and application of the frameworks.
Target Audience
UNDP staff and government officials involved with the COVID-19 recovery and NDC implementation process.