Webinar: Road to COP28 - Building on COP27 outcomes for Africa

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COP28 Africa webinar
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COP28 webinar AfricaIn the lead up to COP28, this webinar will be an opportunity to take stock of the key outcomes of COP27 and their meaning for Africa and to discuss the key messages and the common position that countries and Africa as a continent will convey at COP28.

This webinar aims to provide government representatives and UNDP country offices a platform to:

  • Share countries’ takeaways from COP27
  • Share and discuss key decisions taken at COP27 and their meaning for Africa
  • Brainstorm on key messages and expectations for COP28 on all negotiation and discussion workstreams

Presenters and speakers will include representatives from governments, the African Group of Negotiators on climate change, and UNDP personnels.