Quality assurance checklist for long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies

Research & Reports

Quality assurance checklist for long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies

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Quality assurance checklist for LTS
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This quality assurance checklist aims to support governments, civil society and other stakeholders during the design, review and revision of Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Development Strategies (LTSs).

It provides a set of guiding questions to be considered when assessing the quality of an LTS, including underlying processes and supporting transformative LTS planning.

The Paris Agreement indicates that all parties should strive to formulate and communicate to the UNFCCC Secretariat mid-century LTS. These strategies have great potential to guide countries on a path to limit global temperature warming to 1.5 - 2°C by the end of the century while ensuring that climate plans align with efforts to pursue strong, sustainable, balanced and equitable growth.

Many countries have experience in planning over the short and medium terms, e.g., with processes that established original and updated NDCs and Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS), and an LTS development process offers the opportunity of highlighting, promoting and re-visiting previous strategies.