Research and Reports

This review assesses whether existing and planned adaptation expenditure is sufficient to avoid the economic impact from climate change.
This study maps the extent to which climate, peace and security intersections are addressed in the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).

Least developed countries (LDCs) are low-income countries confronting severe structural impediments to sustainable development.

This snapshot explores the NDC submissions, ambition, and progress made by Small Island Developing States.
A progress report on the Japan-funded project being implemented in 23 countries and territories under the Climate Promise initiative.
The assessment estimates total damages to exceed USD 14.9 billion, and total economic losses to reach about $15.2 billion.
What is Climate Promise? This two-page explainer provides an overview of our role, how we support countries, and our progress to date.
There is no country in the Europe and Central Asia region where the impact of climate change cannot be seen and felt – from catastrophic flooding in…
The Asia-Pacific region covers a wide geographical area, with diverse landscapes, societies, cultures, religions and economies. Of the 41 countries…
The Arab States region is home to 394 million people across 19 countries and one territory. Arab countries achieved significant development gains –…
Africa is a highly complex region – blessed with natural capital and biodiversity; home to 1.13 billion people, one-third of the world’s languages,…
The Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region is considered a “biodiversity superpower,” with one of the greatest endowments of natural capital in…