This report outlines best practices and lessons learned for supporting subnational jurisdictional efforts to reduce deforestation.
Research and Reports
This report highlights good practices to help policy makers and practitioners put gender and climate theory into action.
A progress report on the Japan-funded project being implemented in 23 countries and territories under the Climate Promise initiative.
This report features 19 countries where central, regional, and local governments have come together to work towards a national climate strategy.
The report provides comprehensive information on waqf and its potential to support climate action in Indonesia and beyond.
The Asia-Pacific region covers a wide geographical area, with diverse landscapes, societies, cultures, religions and economies. Of the 41 countries…
The INDC Project provided focused technical assistance, facilitated multi-stakeholder engagement and aligned with the Indonesia LECB Project that…
The LECB project activities supported Indonesia in its efforts to accelerate the achievement of its climate mitigation commitments and adoption of…
The Green Bond and Green Sukuk Initiative aims to support Indonesia’s goal in its GHG emissions reduction.