Under LECB support, the Capacity Building for Climate Change Mitigation in Ecuador was created to address technical and institutional capacities…
LECB project in Egypt sought to build technical capacity to identify and quantify opportunities for reducing GHG emissions across the sectors.
Even before the LECB project began in 2013, government had focused on how to mainstream climate change into development planning at both local and…
The LECB project activities supported Indonesia in its efforts to accelerate the achievement of its climate mitigation commitments and adoption of…
LECB Kenya focused on building capacity for the development of a national GHG inventory to enhance the process of national reporting, and on the…
The LECB project activities focused on building on the Malaysia’s existing initiatives for climate action and supporting its efforts to transition to…
LECB Mexico helped design instruments to support the country in achieving its mitigation targets in addition to providing technical expertise and…
Moldova sought to streamline its institutional frameworks and build local expertise in the areas of conducting national inventory activities, NAMA…
Given Morocco’s relatively advanced climate change policy and compliance under the UNFCCC, the LECB project focused on rationalizing the country’s…
LECB had the pioneering objective of supporting the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) in the formulation of a National Low Emission Development…
Philippines policy initiatives and endeavours for climate action were supported through the Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) project’s…
The LECB project focused on the main carbon emitting sources, the power generation, transportation and industry sectors. LECB to also focus on these…