

Youth4Climate (Y4C) is a global initiative that supports the implementation of youth-led and youth-inclusive solutions to environmental and climate challenges, both financially and through capacity development.

Young people are increasingly acknowledged as vital contributors to global transformative climate action, playing roles such as negotiators, innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs and agents of change. However, they face a significant shortfall in essential technical, financial and political resources and often lack the support needed to fulfill their aspirations.

In response, the Government of Italy and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with a range of knowledge partners and youth constituencies, have set out to identify, support and scale up youth-led climate breakthroughs through the global Youth4Climate initiative.

The initiative brings together existing and new online and offline resources, tools, capacities, partnerships, networks and movements designed by and for youth, with a strong focus on the implementation of solutions, for a more sustained impact on the ground. It aims to foster an inclusive, safe and enabling environment for youth to lead and partner with other stakeholders on climate action.

The Youth4Climate initiative works to achieve its goals through a range of actions. The Youth4Climate Call for Solutions is an innovation challenge that aims to support the work of young people and youth-led organizations in tackling climate change through funding and mentorship support. The first Youth4Climate Call for Solutions sourced more than 1,100 youth-led solutions from more than 120 countries. In 2023, 50 projects across 39 countries were allocated resources to power their vision. A new call was issued in 2024 seeking to provide additional support for youth-led solutions in five areas: climate and environmental literacy, sustainable energy, food and agriculture, natural assets, and sustainable production and consumption.

Photo: Connect4Climate

In parallel, the Youth4Climate engagement platform provides a conduit for discussions and knowledge sharing on climate issues and solutions for young people. The platform currently has over 14,000 members from around the world who can use it to access innovative and co-shaped training programmes, webinars and networking opportunities.

Lastly, the annual Youth4Climate flagship event is designed to boost youth inclusiveness and participation in climate action. The event celebrates and further encourages the achievements and work done by young people in the fight against climate change.

Youth4Climate is funded by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, co-led by the Government of Italy and UNDP and co-shaped with young people and other strategic partners.


Ministero Dell'Ambiente E Della Sicurezza Energetica

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Propacha, a youth-led initiative, and Cruz Verde, a sustainable enterprise, are introducing smart organic hydroponic gardens in public schools.
Young people are leading the way forward with solutions, and people united can never be defeated.
Youth4Climate event hosted by UNDP Rome Centre served as platform to fund youth-led climate solutions.