Roxani Roushas

Roxani Roushas
Roxani Roushas
Global Lead of Youth4Climate

Roxani Roushas is the Global Lead of the Youth4Climate initiative, co-led by UNDP and the Government of Italy. The initiative works to identify, amplify, support and scale youth-led climate breakthroughs and provides financial and technical resources to youth-led innovations. Prior to taking on this role, Roxani was based in Jordan with UNDP’s Regional Innovation Team for Arab States, supporting initiatives on youth-led innovation, women’s digital entrepreneurship, and enhancing country-level development programming through the use of foresight, behavioural science and systems thinking. Roxani has also worked with UNDP Somalia, the Delegation of the European Union to the African Union, and the International Labour Organization. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Politics from the University of Essex and a Master of Science in Migration Studies from the University of Oxford.