Sangji Lee

Sangji Lee
Sangji Lee
Global Technical Specialist on NDCs, Green Economy, and Just Transition

Serving as a thematic lead on just transition and LT-LEDS within the Climate Strategies and Policy Team, she spearheads thought leadership, including engagement with global policy processes, and country support for integrating just transition into climate pledges. Additionally, she manages contributions for work streams on green recovery, NDC, and LT-LEDS enhancement and development, while providing technical advice to countries on the design and implementation of NDCs and LT-LEDS.

Sangji brings diverse experience working with the UN at the country, regional, and global levels. Before joining the Climate Hub, she worked with UNDP Mozambique, the UNDP Global Policy Centre in Seoul, the OHCHR Regional Office in Fiji, the UN Department of Political Affairs at HQ, various research institutes, and the G20 Committee. As a Chevening Scholar, she earned an MSc in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics.