Albania, Benin, Ecuador, Jordan and Viet Nam are using green recovery to advance their climate goals.
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With support from Japan, Kosovo* is helping businesses embrace sustainable green practices.
During a visit to the country, Achim Steiner, Head of UNDP, highlighted how Uruguay's focus on inclusive human development and environmental…
With support from Japan, Kosovo* is pursuing a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in vulnerable communities.
UNDP developed a guidance framework to support countries to design green recovery options that incorporate climate action.
Blog Posts
A joint article by UNDP, UN Women and OECD
Urgent action is required for Covid-19 recovery, while using the opportunity to accelerate climate action.
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Wind and solar some of the most affordable renewable alternatives readily available.
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Mitigating future shocks and building a holistic COVID-19 recovery for borderland communities
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Minerals such as graphite, lithium and cobalt could help meet growing demand for clean energy technologies.
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Africa is at a crossroads. The multiplying challenges of the climate crisis, conflict and COVID-19 have put more and more people at risk.
The new NDC facilitates green recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, as it offers a blueprint to modernize the economy.
Blog Posts
A just transition to a green economy can address climate change, rising inequality, and the health and economic impacts of COVID-19.
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The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant challenges to the Caribbean twin-island state of Antigua and Barbuda.