The region is trying to secure the climate finance they will need in the coming decades through a mix of instruments and approaches.
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Here are the many faces of loss and damage around the world –and what it can look like for those on the frontlines.
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We dive into the main lessons emerging from a recent regional exchange on low-emissions transport.
An international exchange on low-emissions transport took place in Santiago de Chile on March 22 and 23.
The climate crisis, just like nearly every other humanitarian and development challenge, has a greater impact on women. We explain how.
UNDP Administrator, Achim Steiner, met with local communities in Chile that are rolling-out much-needed solutions to waste management.
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Countries such as Chile, Peru and Panama are promoting voluntary carbon footprint programmes within the private sector.
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Across Chile’s mountains, valleys and coasts, the fingerprints of climate change are becoming more and more evident.
Vulnerable countries are stepping up amidst a slow response from some of the biggest emitters on the climate crisis.
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Around the world some 2.2 billion people lack safely managed drinking water, 4.2 billion people lack safely managed sanitation, and 700 million…
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Through our experience working with countries, here are 7 key lessons on adaptation, and how we are applying them as part of our Climate Promise.
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For women who already face inequalities within their society, climate change has the potential to reinforce and exacerbate disparities.