Gender Checklist

Research & Reports

Gender Checklist

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Gender checklist
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The Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) update process presents a unique opportunity to strengthen the integration of gender equality in these instruments, and potentially in other related climate policies and plans.

During this process, it is crucial that countries are able to identify and harmonise the gender and climate change mandates that have been included in different sectoral policies and strategies and identify gender considerations that are relevant to the mitigation and adaptation actions proposed in their NDCs, taking into account their national context.

The new generation of NDCs provides countries an opportunity to recognise that mitigation and adaptation actions must incorporate a rights-based and gender equality approach, in order to reduce persistent gender inequalities and promote opportunities for women’s empowerment. To achieve these goals, a series of essential gender elements have been identified in order to define specific targets and indicators to be incorporated into the NDCs, whether through sectoral actions, or in the country’s NDC implementation plans and/or strategies.

The document provides a guide on key gender elements for countries that are:

  1. updating their NDCs
  2. designing new climate policies, and/or
  3. developing sectoral policies to respond to climate impacts

Available in:

The annex to the publication can be found here (in Spanish only).