Gender-responsive climate change actions in Africa

This technical paper provides an analysis of gender commitments relevant to African countries, the enabling conditions that support the implementation of gender-responsive climate actions, and the gender-responsiveness of adaptation and mitigation actions in different sectors. It also looks at the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) members’ capacity strengthening and support system, and highlights examples of gender-responsive climate actions implemented by African countries that contribute to the achievement of Africa’s climate goals and commitments, as well as the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC Enhanced Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG) and its Gender Action Plan (GAP).
The paper also focuses on how countries are moving from policy to action. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the enabling conditions required to implement gender-responsive climate adaptation and mitigation actions on the ground, while also identifying best practices in the development and implementation of gender-responsive climate policies and strategies. The findings, case studies, and lessons featured reflect the efforts of African countries in implementing gender-responsive climate action. Based on the results, recommendations are made on how to address the persistent gender gaps in climate action in Africa.