LECB Programme Impact and Results: Chile

The Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) project began design and scoping in Chile in 2011 and moved to full implementation in 2012. A number of important policy instruments were already in place and some ministries had already started identifying Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and procuring funding for their implementation.
The Chilean National Strategy on Climate Change had been issued in 2006, followed by the National Climate Change Action Plan (PANCC) 2008–2012. The PANCC articulates a set of climate public policy guidelines to be carried out by relevant government agencies. It aimed at developing, in the short term, the information necessary to prepare national and sectorial plans for adaptation and mitigation with a view to ensuring widespread policy application. Nevertheless, gaps remained with regard to monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) these actions.
In 2011, UNDP conducted a mid-term evaluation of the PANCC, which the LECB design took into account. Among the evaluation’s positive findings were synergies between some agencies for the implementation of the plan, as well as a high level of stakeholder participation in training activities. A number of obstacles were also identified, such as a lack of knowledge about the PANCC in some agencies, high employee turnover, overlapping of efforts, as well as discontinuance of climate change related activities.
With this as its context, LECB sought to support the national government in the areas of GHG emissions management, and the definition of a national low emission development strategy (LEDS).