LECB Programme Impact and Results: China

In 2010, China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) identified five provinces and eight cities as pilot low carbon regions to explore low carbon development experiences. Key measures to be taken in these pilot regions for GHG emission reduction included implementing GHG emission control frameworks, enhancing the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems at the regional and enterprise level, and exploring effective government guidance through economic incentive policies and
market mechanisms.
China sought to design and promote locally applicable standards and certification systems for low carbon products, and to scale this up at the national level through demonstration. The Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) project in China directly addressed the national government’s priorities and needs listed above. Specifically, the project supported China in its efforts to develop a low carbon product ecosystem and to demonstrate application of related certification across seven categories of products, through activities in the pilot low carbon regions of Chongqing City and Guangdong province.