Nature-based Solutions for NDCs Pathway Framework

The “Pathway for Increasing Nature-based Solutions in the Nationally Determined Contributions: A seven-step approach for national governments to integrate or enhance nature-based solutions in their NDCs” provides a framework for governments to identify potential NBS with the aim of enhancing their climate mitigation and adaptation action in a cost-effective manner and with multiple co-benefits.
This Pathway provides governments with a concise summary of specific actions to consider, organized in seven steps:
Step 1 – Establish an understanding of the national greenhouse gas accounting context
Step 2 – Identify and review existing nature-based actions in national legal and institutional frameworks
Step 3 – Identify and review nature-based actions in the current NDC
Step 4 – Develop a rapid analysis for estimating the climate change mitigation and adaptation potential of the existing nature-based actions
Step 5 – Crosswalk nature-based solution pathways with existing measurable nature-based actions and identify opportunities for enhancing NDCs using spatial data
Step 6 – Integrate measurable nature-based actions into the NDC
Step 7 – Improve or create the enabling conditions to support implementation of NBS integrated into the NDC
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