Findings of the assessment of boiler operations in food and beverage and artisanal palm oil processing facilities.
Research and Reports
The strategy intends to provide direction to help mobilize resources for the implementation of the NDC.
The action plan aims to facilitate gender integration into climate-related policies, programmes and strategies.
A toolkit on gender mainstreaming in priority sectors of Ghana’s NDC.
Synthesis report of the Gender analysis of Ghana’s NDC sectors
Ghana’s NDC in Water, Waste, Health, Transport, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Service sectors: Gender analysis
This case study explains how Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement will help Ghana to enhance NDC implementation and achieve national development…
Transforming Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into tangible actions that lead to long-term zero-carbon and climate-resilient development…
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement and embodies efforts by each country to reduce national…
The INDC Project was implemented to address the country’s NDC needs and to support climate action.
Even before the LECB project began in 2013, government had focused on how to mainstream climate change into development planning at both local and…