From South Asia to Central America, the Sahel to the Pacific, see how UNDP-AFCIA is supporting climate adaptation in 33 countries.
News and Stories
The award recognized Bangladesh's achievements in local adaptation and resilience building through innovation in climate finance.
Photo Stories
Despite facing adversities, young people continue to be at the forefront of climate action, raising hopes and inspiring change.
Blog Posts
Ibrahim from Nigeria and Shamim from Bangladesh take a look back at COP27, and what it means for their regions.
Blog Posts
Rural-to-urban migration for greater economic and social security is becoming inevitable, and climate stresses will only increase this trend.
Photo Stories
27 countries in Asia Pacific submitted more ambitious climate pledges in 2021 with the support of Climate Promise.
Photo Stories
Integrated approaches for climate-resilient development supported by UNDP are improving lives and livelihoods – and protecting the planet.
Photo Stories
Through our experience working with countries, here are 7 key lessons on adaptation, and how we are applying them as part of our Climate Promise.