As the converging forces of climate change and conflict are reshaping development in the region, climate security has moved up the political agenda.
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We spoke to Kishan Khoday, Regional Team Leader – Nature, Climate and Energy, about strategic priorities for countries in the region.
MENACW 2022 was held from 28 to 31 March in Dubai, hosted by the Government of the United Arab Emirates.
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In 2021, seven countries in the Arab States region submitted more ambitious climate pledges with support from Climate Promise.
Vulnerable countries are stepping up amidst a slow response from some of the biggest emitters on the climate crisis.
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As a fragile, post-conflict country that is extremely vulnerable to climate change, Iraq has increased ambition in its revised climate pledges.
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For women who already face inequalities within their society, climate change has the potential to reinforce and exacerbate disparities.
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Addressing climate change can play an important role in preventing and mitigating health crises, with green solutions vital for recovery efforts.