Climate information and early warning systems

Climate information and early warning systems

Today, UNDP is working with partners around the world to improve climate information and early warning systems in more than 40 countries. This work is crucial for safeguarding lives, livelihoods and economies in the face of intensifying climate-related hazards.

Building on UNDP’s extensive experience in this area, this portfolio currently comprises more than 45 projects that have mobilized around $786.4 million in grant finance. Since 2002, UNDP has completed 97 climate information and early warning systems initiatives benefiting more than 10 million people in more than 63 countries, including 38 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and 13 Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

As part of this work, UNDP is also a co-founder of the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) and leading the multi-country, multi-partner initiative, Advancing Early Warning for All.

The Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF)

The Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) is a UN multi-partner trust fund aimed at closing the climate and weather observations data gap, with a particular focus on LDCs and SIDS. It was co-created by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), UNDP and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Since it was launched in Helsinki in 2022, the facility has provided support to 60 countries, including RwandaEthiopia, the Solomon Islands and Tanzania.

Climate information and early warning systems
Photo: Rungano Benza/UNDP Zimbabwe
The UN Secretary-General’s Early Warning for All initiative

In 2022, the United Nations Secretary-General called for a global effort to ensure that early warning systems protect everyone on Earth by 2027. The Early Warnings for All initiative brings together the broader UN system, governments, civil society and development partners across the public and private sectors to accomplish that mission.

In 2023, UNDP and partners – including the Green Climate Fund (GCF), WMO, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) – announced the development of the multi-country project Advancing Early Warning for All as a key contribution to realizing the Early Warnings for All initiative.

Under this new project, an initial US$1.3 million from the GCF will be used to kick-start a much larger initiative aimed at delivering $157 million from the GCF and partner governments to move towards early warning systems for all.


Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF)
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme
Green Climate Fund

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