The conference will provide a space for networking, showcasing innovative ideas, and positive examples of NDC implementation.
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The revised NDC outlines Kiribati’s efforts to increase the transparency of planned national actions to reduce carbon emissions.
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Through its national climate plans, the country is aiming to cut emissions and adapt to climate change, for a greener future.
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In Africa, one of the regions hardest hit by climate change impacts, climate ambition is stronger than in any other part of the world.
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53 countries have included actions to promote women’s empowerment in their revised climate action plans, up from seven countries in 2015.
UNDP developed a guidance framework to support countries to design green recovery options that incorporate climate action.
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9 countries working towards gender-responsive climate policies.
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In recent years, Somalia has worked to carve a climate-resilient path forward, but success depends on international financial support.
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Countries such as Chile, Peru and Panama are promoting voluntary carbon footprint programmes within the private sector.
The NDC Support Programme has supported 12 innovative projects that contribute to NDC implementation.
Gonzo and Nono will live many adventures to show the value of measuring and reducing organizational carbon footprint
For the first 5 years of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), little progress was made in…
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In 2021, twelve countries in the Europe and Central Asia region submitted more ambitious climate pledges with support from Climate Promise.
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In 2021, seven countries in the Arab States region submitted more ambitious climate pledges with support from Climate Promise.