The 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP29) will take place from 11 to 22 November in Baku, Azerbaijan.
News and Stories
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Young people are leading the way forward with solutions, and people united can never be defeated.
Photo Stories
What exactly is COP, what can we expect from COP28 this year, and how can we size this opportunity to make the future possible.
Photo Stories
Here are the many faces of loss and damage around the world –and what it can look like for those on the frontlines.
Blog Posts
There is an urgency to respond to the loss and damage caused by climate change. Those most affected are often the most vulnerable populations.
Blog Posts
A new year always offers hope for doing better - for reaching higher and pushing further as a global community.
Blog Posts
Ibrahim from Nigeria and Shamim from Bangladesh take a look back at COP27, and what it means for their regions.
Photo Stories
As climate impacts intensify, four small island nations are exploring powerful climate solutions.
Blog Posts
An interview with Ahunna Eziakonwa, Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa.
Young climate leaders share their experiences of the Youth4Climate flagship event in New York.
Blog Posts
Countries in Asia-Pacific are adopting more ambitious goals on climate mitigation and adaptation.
Blog Posts
Young climate warrior from Zimbabwe shares her reflections on COP26, what progress has been made and what remains to be done.