The country’s Green Economy Scoping Study, National Sustainable Energy Framework (SEF) and Energy Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA),…
Research and Reports
The INDC Project was implemented in close coordination with the Bhutan’s LECB project, to provide technical support and bring various stakeholders…
In the run up to the Paris Agreement, the European Commission and others provided financial and technical support to advance the preparation of…
Bolivia presented the INDC with its own vision of holistic development by prioritizing linking mitigation and adaptation actions in the areas of…
Egypt’s long-term national development framework, the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS): Egypt’s Vision 2030, has three dimensions (economic,…
The INDC Project was implemented to address the country’s NDC needs and to support climate action.
The INDC Project provided focused technical assistance, facilitated multi-stakeholder engagement and aligned with the Indonesia LECB Project that…
The Honduras INDC Project focused on strengthening capacities on climate change, and positioning the issue higher in the public agenda.
Through development initiatives carried out by UNDP and the European Union, Lebanon has been able to initiate national momentum on climate action and…
A large part of Morocco’s population, especially the rural and female population, is dependent on ecosystem services related to water,…
Nigeria is a lower-middle-income African country whose development vision is that by 2020 the country has a large, strong, diversified,…
The plan highlights adaptation measures based on the necessity to improve physical infrastructure, preserve the environment and build resilience.