Transparency is central to the Paris Agreement. If countries do not take efforts to become transparent about their climate contributions, we will not be able to move from planning to action, and we cannot win the fight against climate change.
Transparency and reporting on climate action is crucial in a number of ways. First, it allows the global community to assess collective progress and helps build trust that everyone is playing their part. It is also key to unlocking the full potential of the Paris Agreement, by providing a basis to facilitate further ambition.
Communicating climate action reveals the challenges faced by countries and communities, which can amplify the voices of those who need the most support.
Furthermore, providing access to up-to-date and reliable greenhouse gas emissions data, responses, and climate-related policies helps governments make evidence-based decisions. It also enhances our scientific understanding of climate change – and the actions and policies needed to mitigate it and adapt to its impacts.
Finally, reporting on action, and the support mobilized and needed, helps promote the collaboration, capacity-building and knowledge transfer required to strengthen the global response to climate change.
Established under the Paris Agreement in 2015, the Enhanced Transparency Framework provides a framework for tracking how each country is progressing towards their climate commitments. Countries are now looking towards its implementation.
Under the new phase of the Climate Promise, UNDP will support countries to step up data and transparency efforts, with a focus on meeting the requirements of the Enhanced Transparency Framework and tracking NDC progress.
This will include improving greenhouse gas inventories; enhancing monitoring, reporting and verification systems (MRV); assistance for the compilation and review of Biennial Transparency Reports; strengthening regional networks to enhance South-South knowledge exchange; and working with countries to better integrate data and perspectives on gender and Indigenous peoples.