Icon, handshake forming a heart against a green circle


Evidence shows that women, youth, indigenous peoples, local communities, people with disabilities, and the poor disproportionately shoulder the burden of climate change.

For us to meet the challenges of a rapidly warming world, we must recognize the differences and inequalities, including between women and men, in how we are experiencing the changes.

But we must go further – to win this fight, we must bring to bear all the knowledge, skills, and perspectives available to us, building from the experience of those on the frontlines.

Inclusion is about the outcome. But it is also about the right and ability to participate and decide. The right of people of all ages, gender, from all backgrounds, to have a say in their future.

Urging countries to observe the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations in climate action, the Paris Agreement also emphasizes gender equality and intergenerational equity.

Youth in particular are rising up. Their energy and perseverance have spurred a global movement demanding bold climate measures from their leaders, while also leading initiatives in their countries and communities.

Meanwhile, women worldwide are increasingly taking leadership roles in decision-making and planning processes, in finding and crafting solutions to reach transformative climate action.

Indigenous peoples and local communities continue to raise their voices to ensure that their rights and practices are respected.

Under the Climate Promise, UNDP is mobilizing support, and positive signs are emerging. Around 96% of Climate Promise countries have included gender-related considerations in their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). 60% of Climate Promise countries consulted youth groups during their NDC revision processes, resulting in specific policy measures and actions.

As countries define how they will realize their climate targets and implement their NDCs, much more remains to be done. The integrated solutions needed will require the effective inclusion of youth, women, indigenous people and other vulnerable communities.

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